Here you will find our blog that will touch on how we made certain items of our costumes, where we draw inspiration or just some general information on products that help us build. Just remember, it's fun and we aren't professionals. 

Feeling like we MADE IT!

When you do a popular cosplay get this feeling every time a little one wants a hug, or looks at you in awe. However nothing compares to getting a front page picture in your hometown news paper!

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You want to cosplay?

You want to get started in cosplay?  Great. The first thing you need is a plan. One of my favorite things about cosplay is that there are no limits. Be whoever you want to be. As it has been said many times, cosplay has no body type or skin color. There is not a character you dream up that you can't become. That being said, social constructs still apply so use common sense. 

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